Brownfield land

Patch rules

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Showing 378 patch rules

Dataset Endpoint Entry number Field Pattern Resource Value Entry date Start date End date
brownfield-landHectares0..463c6a9a9d1c175350d98273d0dd73e85a5de2e55c4744b880426e818a3b62db900.46 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landLastUpdatedDate2021-12-01b155065090c5164dd719ad535b3fc130a92f02d877d77f856e57ea4f6ab1e5c42021-09-09 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landSiteReferenceSSv20fe443fa80b877feec0fb9f9cc5476b30be6ea33505ebf9e1616c5c3c6844e6e0SSV20 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-land^<*[Nn][Uu][Ll][Ll]>*$ Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-land^#*[Nn]/?[Aa]$ Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-land^\?*$ Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-land^-+$ Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHectares(\S*)\s*[Hh]ectares?$\1 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHectares(\S*)\s*ha$\1 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverablecompleted Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverabledeliverableyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverabledevelopableyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverablefalse Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverableno Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverablepossibly developableyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverablethe land is deliverableyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverabletrueyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverableunsuitable Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverableyyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landDeliverableyes partyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHazardousSubstancesexpired Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHazardousSubstancesno Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHazardousSubstancespossible diesel fuel pollutionyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHazardousSubstancespotentially subject to broken glassyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landHazardousSubstancesyyes Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusin public ownershipnot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuslocal authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuslocal authority unknownmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusmixedmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusmixed ownermixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusPart Public part Not in Public Ownershipmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusPart owned Kent Highway Servicesmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusPartly owned by a public authoritymixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusmultiple ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatussome owned by a public authority (KCC library)mixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusmultipleowners Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusOwnership Status Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot PA_ownednot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by a local authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusNot owned by a Public Authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot in public ownershipnot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusNot owned by apublic authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by a public autnot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by a public authorititynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by a public authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by apublic authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnot owned by public authoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusnotownedbyapublicauthoritynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusKent Highways Serviceowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusMinistry of Defenseowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuskent county councilowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusBirmingham City Councilowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusonwed by a public authortyowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowmed by a public authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authoriowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authority - hbcowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authority partmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authortyowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by public authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by the london borough of bromleyowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a public authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusownedbyapublicauthorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusownership unknown Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusprivatenot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusprivate companynot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusprivate individualnot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuspromotednot owned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuspublic - thurrock councilowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuspublic authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatuspublic ownershipowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusqwned by a public authorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusswindon borough councilowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusswindon borough council and othersowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by the Councilowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by public authoriyowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusowned by a publicauthorityowned by a public authority Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatus^http: Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown owenrship Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown owership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown owner Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown ownerhip Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunknown ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusunkown ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOwnershipStatusPart BCC Ownedmixed ownership Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeapplication refused rejected Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypedecision pendingother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypedetermination for permitted developmentother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeexpiredother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeextantother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeOtherother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepermission in principlepermission in principle Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeOuline permissionoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepermission in princplepermission in principle Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefulfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefullfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull permissionfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planningfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning applicationfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permisfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permisisonfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permission listed building consentfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permission planning permission granted under an orderplanning permission granted under an order Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permission prior approvalother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull planning permission subject to legal agreementfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypefull plannng permissionfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypehybrid full outlineother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypehybrid full outline planning permission with all matters reservedother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypehybrid planning permissionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypelapsed permissionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypelisted buildingother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypelisted building consentother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypemma full planning permissionfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionType Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypenot permissionedother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoterother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeother - s73 mmaother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeother full planning permissionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeottherother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeouline planning permissionoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutlineoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline permissionoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planningoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning appoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning applicationoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning application with all matters reservedoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning peroutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning permission 15 07 15outline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline planning permission with all matters reservedoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusplanningstatuspermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline reg 3 planning permissionoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeoutline submittedoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepart outline part fuother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepart outline part full planning permissionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypependingother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepending decisionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepermission lapsedother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypepermissionedfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeplanning permissionfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeplanning permission granted under an orderplanning permission granted under an order Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeplanning permission granted under an order full permissionplanning permission granted under an order Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeprior approvalother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeprior approval - approved change of useother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeprior approval - class oother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeprior notificationother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTyperenewal - full planning permissionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypermreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserve mattersreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved mattersreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters and full planningother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters appreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters applicationreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters approvalreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters approval permission approvalreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters permissionreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved matters planning permissionreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypereserved mattres approvalreserved matters approval Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTyperesidential developmentother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypetechincal details consenttechnical details consent Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypetechnical details coother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypeunder constructionother Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypewith full permissionfull planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPermissionTypewith outline permissionoutline planning permission Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusapprovedpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusdecision pendingpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusexpired permissionnot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusfull consentpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusfull planning permissionpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuslp site not permissionednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusno permissionednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot consentednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot in planning systemnot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot permisionednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot permissednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot permissionsednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusnot permissonednot permissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusoutline consentpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusoutline permissionpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusoutline planning permissionpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspart permissionedpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspendingpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspending decision appeal lodgedpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspending descisionpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspending permissionpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspendingdecisionpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermisionedpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermissionpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermission grantedpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermissiondpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermissioned partpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatuspermissonedpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusprior notificationpending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusreserve mattes permipending decision Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusunder constructionpermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landPlanningStatusyespermissioned Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIst edmundsbury Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIwest suffolk Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIwigan council Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIforest heath Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURImaidstone e07000110 Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIclick here to go to the city council entry on the ministry of housing, communities and local government website Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURIsouth norfolk Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule
brownfield-landOrganisationURI Edit pipeline rule Delete pipeline rule