Dataset schema

Brownfield land

This schema defines the shape of data the platform will collect for the Brownfield land dataset.

collection brownfield-land
dataset brownfield-land
description Land that has been previously been developed
end-date None
entity-maximum 1799999
entity-minimum 1700000
entry-date None
  1. Deliverable
  2. EndDate
  3. FirstAddedDate
  4. GeoX
  5. GeoY
  6. HazardousSubstances
  7. Hectares
  8. LastUpdatedDate
  9. MinNetDwellings
  10. NetDwellingsRangeFrom
  11. NetDwellingsRangeTo
  12. Notes
  13. OrganisationLabel
  14. OrganisationURI
  15. OwnershipStatus
  16. PermissionDate
  17. PermissionType
  18. PlanningHistory
  19. PlanningStatus
  20. SiteNameAddress
  21. SiteReference
  22. SiteplanURL
  23. brownfield-land
  24. deliverable
  25. end-date
  26. entity
  27. entry-date
  28. hazardous-substances
  29. hectares
  30. latitude
  31. longitude
  32. maximum-net-dwellings
  33. minimum-net-dwellings
  34. name
  35. notes
  36. organisation
  37. ownership-status
  38. planning-permission-date
  39. planning-permission-history
  40. planning-permission-status
  41. planning-permission-type
  42. point
  43. site
  44. site-address
  45. site-categories
  46. site-plan-url
  47. start-date
key-field site
name Brownfield land
paint-options { "colour": "#745729", "type": "point" }
plural Brownfield land
prefix None
start-date None
typology geography
wikidata Q896586
wikipedia Brownfield_land