Dataset schema

Brownfield site

This schema defines the shape of data the platform will collect for the Brownfield site dataset.

collection brownfield-site
dataset brownfield-site
description None
end-date None
entity-maximum 1899999
entity-minimum 1800000
entry-date None
  1. brownfield-site
  2. categories
  3. documentation-url
  4. end-date
  5. entity
  6. entry-date
  7. geography
  8. geometry
  9. legislation
  10. name
  11. notes
  12. organisation
  13. point
  14. reference
  15. start-date
key-field None
name Brownfield site
paint-options { "colour": "#745729" }
plural Brownfield sites
prefix None
start-date None
typology geography
wikidata Q896586
wikipedia Brownfield_land